Since our foundation in 2014 our work has advanced through tactical alliances and close collaboration with numerous stakeholders, including libraries, journals, scholarly societies, publishers, and infrastructure providers.
In particular, over time our work has focused in helping design and catalyze specific demonstration projects in three areas of open access advocacy work:
(i) Subscribe-to-Open (S2O), where in partnership with Berghahn Journals we are monitoring a pilot project to flip 13 of their anthropology journals to open access, and are planning to test the applicability of the model to other interested parties (including Brill and Sage to date);
(ii) Scholarly Societies, where we have been liaising, advocating and developing ad-hoc financial and business models to flip the journals portfolios of various scholarly societies, such as the American Anthropological Association, the European Association of Social Anthropologists, the European Association of Archaeologists or 4S, amongst others.
(iii) Cooperate for Open, where we work towards leveraging our relations with libraries and funders to help small OA operations develop sustainable cooperative long-term publishing strategies.
We have recently set up a new demonstration workspace where we wish to explore how to leverage our relations with libraries and funders to help small OA operations develop sustainable cooperative long-term publishing strategies.
We are particularly interested in designing experimental cooperative frameworks for existing open access, trans-national STS publications which, for reasons of scale, resources, and the lack of reliable services/partnerships from publishers, find it particularly difficult to get a foothold in our prevalent culture of metrics....
Since our foundation Libraria has liaised with, advocated for, as well as designed and developed ad-hoc financial and business models to help flip the journals portfolios of various scholarly societies, including the American Anthropological Association, the European Association of Social Anthropologists, the European Association of Archaeologists and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), amongst others.
Some of our published work on this front includes:
Why an Open Access Publishing Cooperative can Work https://doi....
Libraria is an open access initiative formed in 2015 by an international group of researchers in the social sciences who are committed to helping scholarly societies and publishers adopt open access publishing models. After exploring a number of strategies, it is now working on a very promising subscribe-to-open (S2O) approach to converting subscription journals to open access. The model builds on a tradition of academic libraries’ support for open access, which has found fruitful expression in such initiatives as SCOAP3, Open Library of the Humanities, and Knowledge Unlatched....